Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is this we called '' Interior Monolog ''

Hi there ! 

thank you for spending your time reading
My Bloggie weggie 

so, heree.... hehe 
This were Something that i wrote
and something that from my heart 
and and and 
the weird thing is I dont Understand 
what am i trying to say haha
Saaayy whatttt -_-' any idea??
hehe, but im just going to share to you guys.. 

There was a little thing and a little thought,
where the sun appear and the moon disappear,
the things is used to be and thought it would be,
when i first came into you ,
you came by near me ,
the aura of the words was slowly whispering ,
the ears listened finding for a the main reason,
the day was fine as the sky in line, 
stood by the lake,
waiting for self awake,
where should i be when the sun rise again,
what should i do when tears fall in pain..


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